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Associations must ensure their governance structures and Articles of Association are contemporary and effective. For example, is your Board of Trustees too big? Are your Articles outdated? If so, this Governance Modernisation and Constitutional Change webcast will confirm if have a problem and motivate you with a pathway for major improvement.  This session is essential for those looking to understand the dynamics of governance transformation, from initiating change to securing member approval for new governance documents.

Learning outcomes:

  1. Convincing your Board of Trustees that change is required – Strategies to persuade the Board of Trustees on the need for governance modernisation.
  2. Validating the necessity of modernisation through best practice benchmarks – Evidence that big Boards and complex Rules are outdated.
  3. Explaining the governance principles to be put in the new Articles – Volunteers and some professionals need to be reminded of governance structures and wisdom.
  4. Consulting with members before drafting new Articles – Techniques for effective member consultation and incorporating feedback into governance proposals.
  5. Writing new Articles of Association – Why specialist professionals are required to save time, money, and angst.
  6. Securing member approval – Approaches for achieving necessary approval percentages at General Meetings of members.
  7. Case studies of successful governance change – Analysis and lessons from real-life examples of governance transformation.

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