Introducing CRM – the true costs of the journey (Girlguiding UK)


In this presentation we hear from Amanda Medler (Trustee at the World Association of Girlguides and Girl Scounts - WAGGGS) who provides a frank overview of the implementation of the new membership database at Girlguiding UK and the challenges they faced along the journey. Amanda co-presents with Iain Pritchard, Partner, Adapta Consulting, who provided her [...]

The Perfect CRM – Is there such a thing?


This is a presentation Richard Gott delivered at CHASE 2011. The presentation was co-presented with the Charity Finance Directors' Group (Michael Dykes, Head of Membership and Information) and provides an overview of the key considerations when horizon searching for a new membership database/CRM. Although the presentation was delivered some years ago the key advice remains [...]

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