Membership organisations today are focusing on retaining and encouraging existing members while simultaneously aiming for growth and acquiring new members.

The objective is to strike a balance between maintaining a strong core of engaged members who share the organisation’s values and mission, while actively expanding the membership base. This dual approach is driven by several compelling factors, including the need to retain dedicated volunteers, foster the emergence of future leaders, create fervent brand advocates, bolster effective advocacy efforts, and amplify the organisation’s diverse and authentic voice within the community.

In order to counteract the possibility of a membership decline, the goal is to attract individuals who are genuinely committed to making a positive impact.

Let’s set alight the path for a membership strategy that ignites creativity and propels your marketing endeavours toward heightened effectiveness.

1. Unlock the Power of Data Insights

To embark on the journey of member engagement, your first step should involve partnering with data experts who can provide actionable insights. If you haven’t already segmented your membership, now is the perfect time to harness data analytics to understand your members better.

Clearly communicate your objective: identifying member personas most likely to become active participants within your organisation. Map out the member journey comprehensively, from their initial contact with your organisation to their ongoing engagement.

Indeed, robust data analysis is pivotal for grasping your membership’s dynamics.

Nevertheless, we acknowledge that comprehensive member segmentation may involve a substantial cost. If budget constraints are a concern, don’t be discouraged. There are strategies you can employ to enhance member engagement without breaking the bank.

2. Embrace the Evolving Engagement Dynamics

One observation that resonates across the membership landscape is the existence of an evolving engagement dynamic. It’s still the case that if you have a member for 3-years they are more likely to become a lifetime member. But, organisations are finding that engagement patterns can be more fluid, with members becoming active participants at different stages of their membership journey. This necessitates ongoing, data-driven analysis to identify key moments when members are most likely to transition into volunteers or advocates.

Your organisation is likely sitting on a wealth of data that can help pinpoint these critical engagement opportunities. Once these moments are identified, your communication strategy should revolve around inspiring members to take an active role.

3. Craft Compelling and Member-Centric Messaging

A common pitfall in the pursuit of engaged members is the relentless focus on what the organisation needs from them. This can result in communications that feel desperate or aggressive. To overcome this, it’s crucial to reorientate your messaging and concentrate on what volunteers or advocates gain from deepening their involvement with your organisation. Make them the central focus of your marketing materials.

Rather than commencing every sentence with “We need…,” “We want…,” or “We can…,” reframe your messages to start with “You gain…,” “Your involvement…,” “You are…”

For effective copywriting aimed at enticing members to become more active, look to the latest research and insights offered by industry experts and thought leaders. Stay attuned to the latest trends and best practices in member communication and engagement.

4. Recognise and Respect Member Constraints

It is essential to acknowledge the time constraints and diverse lifestyles of your members. Consider their professions, work schedules, and personal commitments. Tailor your engagement activities to accommodate their availability. For instance, if a substantial portion of your members work regular office hours, focus on evening or weekend activities. If you attract teachers, explore opportunities during school breaks. For shift workers, offer flexible tasks that align with their schedules.

5. Personalised and Timely Communications in the Digital Age

In today’s digital age, the foundation of effective member communication lies in personalisation and timeliness. Implement a data-driven strategy for your volunteer communication program, leveraging the power of automation and personalised messaging. Ensure that information about volunteering and getting involved is easily accessible on your website, with intuitive navigation and user-friendly design.

In conclusion, the landscape of member engagement continues to evolve, with a growing focus on data-driven insights, flexible engagement dynamics, member-centric messaging, and personalised, digital communications. By applying these modern strategies, your organisation can set its membership engagement on a trajectory to shine brightly, just like the bonfires of Guy Fawkes Night. Stay attuned to the latest data and thinking in the field to ensure your approach remains relevant and effective in the ever-changing landscape of membership organisations.

Mulberry Creative is a specialist creative design and marketing agency for membership organisations with a company legacy stretching

Emma Nicolson
Emma NicolsonDirector, Mulberry Creative