Being Santa Claus is no easy feat. Reading letters from almost every child in the world and procuring toys for all of them. Imagine that?

He needs a pretty serious CRM, one that is surprisingly similar to yours…

Scoring Children

How would you figure out how millions of children have been naughty or nice this year? That would take some serious elf-power. Cue Member Engagement measurements.

In the same way a membership CRM gives an engagement score for each member, Santa’s CRM takes different credentials and calculates a score for each child based on how “naughty or nice” they’ve been.

IDEA: (When integrating your CRM with your website, students can see an estimated grade online. Perhaps Santa’s next step is to do this for children to see their Naughty or Nice score?)

Handling Scripts

Now all the children are scored, it’s time to go through their wish lists. But, surely he isn’t going to trawl through millions of sheets of paper the elves have posted to him? Think how long and environmentally unfriendly that would be.

It’s 2021, he does all this digitally. And so do you.

A CRM can automatically allocate papers to each marker, and they’re sent straight to their dashboard. When they’ve been marked and moderated, the system tells you whether they have passed or failed. Just like the North Pole…

Santa’s little helpers load all the lists onto his powerful CRM system and they’re automatically assigned to the right child. He can now compare each wishlist with the child’s score and decide whether they should be getting the toy of their dreams or a lump of coal.

Santa’s can be used remotely (most likely as can yours). So there’s no need to worry if any of the elves get snowed in.


If he has any sense, Santa segments his lists to keep everything running smoothly. As well as segmenting lists based on naughty or nice scores, he also must plan a route that will ensure he visits every child in one night.

By segmenting the gifts into the child’s time zones and address, his helpers can pack his sleigh accordingly.

Of course, you don’t need to worry about sending presents across the world in one night. But, put it this way: you might have an event coming up and you want to just target people within a 50-mile radius. Or maybe you want to send a targeted campaign to try and boost member engagement to those who have a low engagement score. This is where segmenting is important.


No two years are the same in the North Pole. New toys mean changes to production, new houses mean new route planning, some kids stop believing, while some either switch between the naughty and nice list, or their families move house.

To keep operating with these changes, Santa’s helpers create a yearly forecast. This covers everything from predicted costs, estimated production time, staff numbers required and the number of houses to deliver to. It’s all worked out for him, so there’s small margin for error.

As a membership body, you want to be able to track the growth and success of your different teams against their goals. Cue CRM forecasting.

Just like how Santa uses his forecasting tools to keep track of toy production progression, you can use CRM forecasting tools to predict revenue, member sign ups and spending.

Your membership teams need a way to stay focused – which is where CRM tools let you set targets, KPIs and business objectives – as does Santa. With forecasting, he can stay on course and ensure a successful yuletide; and you can ensure all your objectives are met.

CRM On the Go

Santa’s a busy person. You’re a busy person. We’re all busy people.

Like the bearded man himself, CRMs do not stop working when the user is on the go. He needs to see real-time data and last-minute changes en-route (those pesky roadworks).

Which is why having a CRM that can be accessed by mobile and shows real-time data is so important.

Whether you’re managing a team, analysing member engagement, on your way to an event or launching a marketing campaign, you need access to data wherever you are.

Santa needs to be able to access quality data from any device like toys, routes and names; while you need to be able to access member’s data, company data, financial data- just to name a few.

The Cloud

Before, Santa related The Cloud with the obstacles in the sky that he needed Rudolph for. Now, Santa sees The Cloud as a powerful tool that lets him to keep his data in one place.

He keeps sensitive data just like you – children’s profiles, wish lists, addresses – and this must be secure. Once all the children’s letters are stored in The Cloud, all his helpers can access them.

Your membership CRM stores all your important data securely and this can be accessed easily by those that need it. This ensures quality and consistent data across your entire organisation for those who need it. It also eradicates the need to ask different departments for data you don’t have access to.

The Santa of the future

Digital transformation didn’t just shape the membership sector; Santa feels pretty revolutionised, too. With the implementation of an advanced CRM system, he’s taken the pressure off him and his team. Not only that, but he’s now got a thorough oversight of his toy production and whether you’ve bad or good.

PSP IT are experts in the membership and awarding body sector. We have worked with institutes with more than 100,000 members to improve member engagement enhance processes, and much more operational improvements. Our work includes bespoke application development, CRM development, legacy system support and website development.

Disclaimer: We haven’t made Santa a CRM that ranks every child in the world, oversees the North Pole’s production and tracks people’s sleeping patterns… yet!

Mark Boxall
Mark BoxallMarketing Manager, PSP-IT Design and Development