In the dynamic world of membership, we strive not just for numbers but for a passionate community of committed members. They are the driving force behind your organisation’s success – propelling your goals forward and amplifying your message. Cultivating engaged members holds the key to unleashing your organisation’s full potential, to make a lasting impact.

As a membership marketing professional, you understand the importance of strategic approaches that attract the right people at the right time. One invaluable resource to explore is the ‘Time Well Spent 2023 National Survey on the Volunteer Experience’ by NCVO (The National Council for Voluntary Organisations). It provides profound insights into volunteer motivations and how we can transform them into passionate advocates.

To save you time, here are ten strategic actions inspired by their findings that you can implement right away:

1. Celebrate Impact

Shower your volunteers with appreciation, acknowledging their hard work and dedication. Recognise the tangible difference they make and the positive change they create.

2. Embrace Flexibility

Foster a culture of flexibility that accommodates diverse lifestyles. Offer in-person and remote opportunities, catering to varying preferences.

3. Fuel Passion

Tap into the core motivations that drive volunteers: their desire to make a difference and connect to a meaningful cause. Nurture an environment where passion thrives.

4. Personalise Engagement

Understand your members’ unique needs and preferences. Tailor volunteer experiences to create deep, lasting connections.

5. Break Barriers

Identify and address practical obstacles that hinder volunteering such as expenses and accessibility. Eliminate financial and logistical barriers to broaden participation.

6. Diversity & Inclusion

Be a champion of equity, diversity, and inclusion. Cultivate volunteer groups that reflect the rich tapestry of society, fostering a sense of belonging for all.

7. Energise Young Minds

Engage the future of volunteering – young people. Invest in understanding their aspirations and concerns, creating an environment where they can flourish.

8. Empower Disabled Volunteers

Extend unwavering support and resources to disabled volunteers, ensuring their satisfaction and well-being in their engagement.

9. Adapt & Innovate

Embrace change and the evolving landscape of volunteering. Stay agile and innovative in crafting volunteer opportunities that resonate with ever-changing expectations.

10. Lead with Vision

Envision a brighter future for volunteering. Collaborate with stakeholders and policymakers to advocate for policies that eliminate barriers and promote inclusivity.

In conclusion, cultivating engaged members is not just a dream; it is within your grasp as a membership organisation. With a data-driven approach and personalised communications, you can create a thriving community of devoted advocates.

As a membership marketing professional, you have the power to unlock the full potential of your membership base by fostering active engagement and collaboration. You can make a remarkable difference and shape a future where volunteering for your organisation truly becomes ‘time well spent.’

Mulberry Creative is a creative design and marketing agency for membership organisations designing recruitment and acquisition campaigns and membership materials.

Emma Nicolson
Emma NicolsonDirector, Mulberry Creative