In 2014 the key online challenge facing the membership sector is online personalisation. MemberWise Founder, Richard Gott, explores this critical and emerging challenge in part one of a three-part blog…

This is a huge topic area so I will try to take a step-by-step explanation. When I refer to ‘we’ I am referring to membership organisations and associations!

Let’s start off by defining what I mean by the term online (member) personalisation: ‘the delivery of targeted and personalised online content based on what we know about a website visitor (or member).’

So why would you wish to personalise your online content?

Engagement, Engagement, Engagement!

We need to increase online engagement to forge a much stronger and closer relationship with our members, potential members and lapsed members.

Don’t get me wrong, this needs to be backed up by structured and robust online planning/strategy development, however personalised online member content should help with our journeys to convert passive members into engaged advocates who are more likely to engage online and offline (e.g. voting in officer elections or attending local events).

The ultimate goal is for our members to feel part of a direct, relevant and value-driven online relationship/conversation on a shared common theme. E.g. A profession, a trade and/or special interest area.

Think about it. If you were a member of your organisation how would you prefer to be addressed when it comes to voting in online elections for your next Chair/President?

a) Dear Colleague – Association X is asking members to vote… (BORING!)
b) Welcome Alex – We would like you to vote for our next visionary leader! (WHO ME?)

Note: Using ‘first person’ narrative will always help to engage!

How can you personalise online member content?

This is where the buzz word ‘BIG DATA’ comes in and how you store your members’ details/data becomes key.

If your BIG DATA is accurate and is stored in a suitable condition/format that can be securely transferred or transposed onto the web you will be in a great place to enable online personalisation. However if you are using legacy back-office software this may be a wake-up call that you need to update, upgrade, replace or rationalise membership systems.

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